On July 8, 2012 four of our therapists competed in the NYC Triathalon. Dave Endres, Ryan Kitzen, Jared Lando, and Kelly Althaus completed a 1500 meter swim followed by a 40 kilometer bike ride and a 10 kilometer run. This week we’re posting their thoughts about the race.
We begin with Dave’s play by play:
Saturday, July 7 (Pre-Race Day)
11:00pm: Need some rest and time for bed. Gear is packed and ready to race. 4am wake up
Sunday, July 8 (Race Day)
12:15am: Massive thunderstorm hits UWS and wakes me up.
12:25am: 3 yr old son wakes up yelling, “Daddy, I’m scared!” Rub his back for 20 mins, back to sleep by 1am.
4:00am: Sleep through my 4am wake up alarm!
4:38am: Just by chance my 3 yr old son wakes up again asking for water. I look at my watch and panic sets in. I’m going to miss the race!!!! Dress, brush teeth, eat peanut butter sandwich and out the door by 4:55am. Must be set up and ready to race by 5:15, no exceptions!
5:05am: Arrive at Transition Area, set up quickly and ready to race. I take in the scene; thousands of athletes flooding Riverside Park with the common theme of promoting a healthy life style. That’s really what it is all about for the 4000 athletes participating. The 30 professionals worry about winning, the rest of us love the lifestyle and feel of competition.
6:15am: Jump in the Hudson and race begins! No nerves, just pure excitement. Take a branch to the mouth half way through, fat lip(!); exit the water and off to the bike.
6:40am: On bike ready to tackle a surprisingly hilly Westside Highway. Never noticed the hills over the thousand or so times I have driven it.
7:55am: Ready to run! Exit the park, running towards Central Park. I hear Dad, Dad!!! My wife, 3 boys and dog are on the corner of 72nd and Broadway rooting me on! Give a kiss to each of them and run off with a great surge of adrenaline that carries me through the rest of the run.
8:43am: The finish line is in sight and I am happy to see it. The run was hot and the air was humid! I cross the finish line feeling completely overheated but accomplished. One of the volunteers approaches me with a medal for finishing and an ice cold, wet towel. I opt for the towel first! They place it on my back and it feels as if I had just jumped into a mountainous river created by the runoff of the past winters snow. Great feeling!
Loved every minute of it!!!!! Can’t wait to do it again!!!!