Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway on the palm of the hand. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when this tunnel narrows, compressing the median nerve and muscle tendons that run through it. This compression produces symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and/or hand weakness.

Common Signs & Symptoms

  • Weakness of your thumb, index, and ring finger
  • Difficulty gripping or holding onto objects
  • Pain with movement on the thumb-side of the hand
  • Numbness, tingling, or burning sensation, especially at night
  • Fine motor difficulty (Ex: buttons, zippers)

How Will Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy Help?

During Physical/Occupational Therapy sessions, you will:

  • Restore mobility by lengthening the muscle tendons and median nerve to allow unimpeded gliding through the carpal tunnel.
  • Manage pain through soft tissue mobilization, splinting, nighttime positioning, and avoidance of repetitive hand and wrist motions.
  • Learn modifications for daily activities to reduce pain and exercises to continue progress at home.
  • Strengthen the hand, wrist, shoulder, and postural muscles for stability, strength, and functional ability of the arm.




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